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UX Design

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7 Essential Conversion Centered UX Design Principles

Artwork Source: Ron Design LabArtwork Source: Ron Design Lab Conversion-centered design lies at the intersection of marketing and design. Designing for conversion — whatever that means for your business, be it sales, downloads, or newsletter sign-ups — is a matter of melding design principles with an understanding of human psychology to gently guide visitors toward taking action. To drive web conversions, you need more than just aesthetics — you need to thoughtfully craft user experiences with actions and results in mind. That’s where conversion-centered design comes in. What is conversion-centered…
Matt Erickson
January 28, 2024
Blog: Artificial Intelligence
All ArticlesMarketing StrategyUX Design

The Future of AI Tools in Digital Advertising

Artwork Source: ZenartixArtwork Source: Zenartix How AI Marketing Tools Are Changing the Advertising Game. If there's one industry that's undergone a meteoric transformation in recent years, it's advertising. Gone are the days when companies used to create print ads, employ slogans and just hope for the best. In the 21st century, advertising has to be smart, sophisticated, and swift. This is where AI-powered marketing tools come in.From predictive analytics to chatbots and personalized ads, brands are now leveraging the power of AI to make smarter decisions and reach their target…
Matt Erickson
January 28, 2024
All ArticlesGraphic DesignUX Design

Timeless Best Practices in UX Design

Artwork Source: Matt EricksonArtwork Source: Matt Erickson Enhancing the User Experience to Drive Revenue & Growth. UX plays a role throughout the entire customer journey, from the moment the user clicks on the homepage to the final order confirmation. Ignoring best practices can interfere with a seamless user experience and cause you to lose out on sales. Human beings love consistency. Consistency saves us time, makes us feel safe, and builds trust. And when it comes to user experience, consistent design is intuitive and easy to navigate.Don Norman first coined…
Matt Erickson
January 27, 2024